Sunday, August 05, 2007

International News: The Kelikian Experience Part 2

Hi, this is Deremiah *CPE,

I'm back to tell you about part 2 of "The Kelikian Experience". I've already received some emails from others who have appreciated how "The Kelikian Experience" is a great example of how to Evangelize your Customers with Passion but many want me to continue with the story so I will.


What you've probably picked up so far in the story about "The Kelikian Experience" Part 1, is that Dr. Armen S. Kelikian is an EXCELLENT Customer Passion Evangelist. So let's review real quickly and pick up where we left off. Remember in part 1 of "The Kelikian Experience" we discovered multiple basic benefits for how an *CPE like Dr. Kelikian ---Serves to Protect The Customer--- like a client. Most of the benefits were hidden in the story of the text but let's peel some of this back like an onion to reveal what's really taking place here.

Did you pay close attention to the details? Because if you did you were able to see a great deal about that customer protection. But let's pause for a brief moment to reflect on what a client is. A "Client" is someone who is under the protection of the company that has secured the customer for their business interest. Another way to put it is when I want your business (which means I want to make you my customer) I go out of my way to assure you of certain protections... that's what Dr. Kelikian did and that's how he uses "The Kelikian Experience" to work as a Win, Win, Win for all concerned. I'm not even sure if he understands in every way the kind of emotional impact he's having on the customer. And I have to admit from a certain level of experience when you really become "The Servant" of the customer and you've done this for years it becomes just become extremely Passionate and compassionate for your customer.


Dr. Kelikian is a smart physician who serves his customers and secures his customers protection. So he brought me underneath his protection showing me the attributes of "The Kelikian Experience". And if you're following closely you will see that these are the following attributes of "The Kelikian Experience": He made sure that I was examined properly (and completely), he was passionate, warm, gentle, cordial, used a little humor at the right time and when you view below you'll get to see how he uses the next attribute...his great knowledge to educate (me) the customer and engage his assistants to rally around me. Through the rest of his staff they continue the perfect group hug (with the customer in the middle) to show the customer that they love ---not only the work they do--- BUT that ---they LOVE the customers they Protect--- and this is why I call it "The Kelikian Experience". So let's continue with part 2 of "The Kelikian Experience" where you'll find me in the office of a Northwestern Surgeon and Clinical Professor by the name of Dr. Armen S. Kelikian right after the initial examination...let us continue here.

As you remember Dr. Kelikian just sent me through a quick battery test to determine that what he saw on the MRI ---reflected what was still going on in my body--- as I stood in his prescence (in his office on North LakeShore Drive in Downtown Chicago). And that's the genius of how you know you're in the presence of a Great Orthopedic specialist...when your doctor goes the extra mile to make sure that the medical scientific readings on the computer reflect the muscular physical responses of the body that's in front of him. Because there are times when the technology used to measure a bodies general functions may be different than what is being observed.

So Dr. Kelikian then decided that it was time to not just tell me about the surgery (as my previous orthopedic doctor had done) but he dealt with me in a very diginified manner of which I consider this to be part of the excellence he has taken to craft "The Kelikian Experience". So he pulls out a three page article outlining the surgery in detail including a ---full explanation--- of what he was going to do. Even scribling notes on the document for me to take with me. The document was full of content but also containing multiple drawings of the surgery. In this one generous act of educating his client he covers the three-fold principle of teaching using ---The Three Legged Stool Technique---. Always be sure to explain using a method that touches the Audio, Kinesthetic and visual learner especially when you're unsure of how your patient learns. 1.) Dr. Kelikian's oral explanation appeals to the "Audio Learner" in me as you listen intently to what he says, 2.) The physical presence of the document ---which is tangible--- and used for the purpose of being held by the patient appeals to the "Kinesthetic Learner" in me (now I have something to touch) and 3.) finally the images and words on paper simultaneously all appeal to the "Visual Learner" in me.

The error of the previous doctor was that he only assumed that I was an audio learner trying to explain a very visual experience using one aspect of the three-legged stool of learning. Always remember a picture is worth a thousand words. Use the three-legged stool of learning like Dr. Kelikian and then you'll slowly approach achieving "The Kelikian Experience". Even in Branding a smart company uses the artisitc design of their logo to appeal to the non-verbal instincts by creating visual anchorings that they are trying to set in their customers subconscious.

Dr. Kelikian's group then stepped up to strengthen what he had set in place. Carol King an assistant for Dr. Kelikian for eleven years came in to explain the Pre-Op Surgery procedures. Giving me a document that was hard to misplace as it was several pages of pre surgery and post surgery instructions including pictures of what buildings the surgery would be in and where to park. It was quite an impressionable document and it was on Lavender paper which made it harder to misplace. Carol was very polite and made sure that I understood that I needed to go through this document. Dr. Kelikian's assistant came in to measure my calv's to determine if there was any shrinkage in the injured one. Then they had me complete the final pages on some paper work I needed to fill out with the front desk secretary. In the backroom there secretary Michelle G., was planning on making another effort to try and finalize the insurance for clearance to cover a surgery that needed to be put in place two days from our first meeting. "The Kelikian Experience" rounded itself off with a group hug when I received support from several other members of the group who all reflected that their one main focus and objective was to assure that I was protected and provided for. I hope you have learned something tremendous from "The Kelikian Experience". If you'd like to tell me more about what you grasped out of this article please send me an email at .

Well I've got to go now but I hope to see you there where you belong at the Top! Will you join me?

Is there anything else I can do for you?

Your Servant,

Deremiah *CPE

International News: The Kelikian Experience Part 1

Hey I'm Deremiah *CPE,

as a motivational speaker you know I like to talk about the value of exuberance and the power of being a true living, moving, breathing life force in your own destiny. While most people are narrowly involved in the active preoccupation of their own success I challenge you to go for it. You see to go after it is the only true way to grasp opportunities...especially those that have been laying dormant at the gateway to your life. Somewhere beyond your door post is the very thing you've been dreaming to see all the time. And I'm fortunate in that right now I'm extremely excited about what I'm going to share with you today. Because I have a wonderful opportunity to share with you from a totally different level than anything I've discovered on TV, DVD, CD... I mean NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN nor BET have the likes of what I've discovered in a little guy named Dr. Armen S. Kelikian. So tonight I'm going to show you something you're going to enjoy about some breaking news I'm the first to expose called "The Kelikian Experience".

You know periodically I like to step back and pull the wool off your eyes ---bring you something surprising and refreshing---so that you can really see things that normally you could only just wish to see or hope to imagine or dream about.

So let me get to why I've entitled this customer service adventure "The Kelikian Experience". Near the end of July 2007 I met a doctor who had the greatest bedside manners and knowledge I've seen in a long time. And after two months of drudgery dealing with HMO doctors believe you me I was ready for a change and "The Kelikian Experience" was the change I needed. In our day and age I've found more times than not that the Medical Care experience has not always been "very, very, good to me". And while I'm not going to get into the depth of the misfortune I've recently experienced I'd rather focus on the positive refreshing aspects that I enjoyed from "The Kelikian Experience" itself. But if you feel like sharing your nightmare concerning a bad HMO experience please shoot me an email. Otherwise just send me your positive responses concerning what you like or what you've gained from "The Kelikian Experience" by sending your email here .

Well I came to Dr. Kelikian in pursuit of "The Kelikian Experience" after I was misdiagnosed and sent through an exhausting nearly two month fiasco that left me limping for that same length of time. I was still not discouraged and just as persistent as ever to get to "The Kelikian Experience". When he met me in his office overlooking beautiful LakeShore Drive in Chicago it was quite oceanic. Dr. Kelikian, better known as Dr. Armen S. Kelikian, (a Professor and a Clinical Instructor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Northwestern University Medical School here in Chicago, Illinois ) comes from a very proud tradition of medical doctors and has been beyond excellent through out the whole process. He's also the surgeon for the Chicago Bears and the Chicago Blackhawks professional teams. He was referred to me by my dear friend and college buddy, Brian McCaskey of the Chicago Bears.

As Dr. Kelikian came into the room he was very low keyed but a warm introduction and his assistant on the heels of his feet. He asked me what was the problem of which I informed him that my Achilles was torn. He looked at the injured ankle and then like a classic physician of his stature looked at the good ankle. (my previous primary physician did not do this) Sure enough he said that's what it looks like. He asked me if I had an MRI and he politely asked to see it and then politely excused his self to go and view it.

A quick few minutes and he was back in the room and agreed with the diagnosis. But even in the event of knowing it was torn he could have started talking about surgery but little did I know at the time I was dealing with a seasoned doctor of great professionalism...yes, I was experiencing "The Kelikian Experience".

He was slow and gentle taking me through a battery of test to assume the level of damage and recovery since it had been two months. Sort of like a first date..."don't move to quickly and share as much as you invite questions". Here is where I had the opportunity to take notes as I examined the examiner for myself. Yes I found that Dr. Kelikian was not only warm and polite but he too also had a lovely since of humor. Asking me to get up on the very good ankle, which means to rise up on the front pad of my foot to see how long I could hold up my body weight (which reflects the use of a good achilles)...this was rather easy to do as Dr. Kelikian complimented me on the size of my Calv's (they are unusually massive reflecting the power I use to get out of them when I played NCAA Division III football at North Park University) and then he said in a casual light hearted way with a smile in his voice..."humor me and get up on the bad ankle" Of course I almost laughed (lol) as I tried to rise up on it knowing that it was utterly impossible. But I found it sure was a nice way to say to me indirectly that if you can get up on that bad ankle with the torn Achilles Deremiah, then this will be like watching Jesus walk across the water.

I'm going to continue with part 2 of "The Kelikian Experience" so please be sure to pick up where you'll learn what else Dr. Kelikian does well when you read...

...SHOW YOUR CUSTOMER AS YOU TELL THEM... (will be where we pick up)

Well I've got to go now but I hope to see you there where you belong at the Top! Will you join me?

Is there anything else I can do for you?

Your Servant,

Deremiah *CPE

don't forget to read "The Kelikian Experience" Part 2