Thursday, March 17, 2011

Brendon Burchard, The way we market our message has forever changed...

I'm fortunate to be sitting front stage at the Expert's Academy with my good friend Brendon Burchard who has been presenting valuable content. We are in the same room where Apple, Yahoo and other major creative firms present to their employees right here in Silicon Valley at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara. Brendon has just learned that he has hit the New York Times BestSellers list in a way no one has ever done before.

In 72 days from project creation to book launch he has written and sold enough copies of a book called "The Millionaire Messenger" to earn him a #1 spot on the New York Times BestSellers list. That is an amazing feat.

But when you hear how he did it without using internet affiliates, without any press releases, without radio shows or interviews. This is historical stuff. In other words with purely word of mouth he has captured something in previous years that would have taken a huge PR budget, touring on Radio & Book stores to achieve. Brendon has proved that the Game has changed. Hopefully you're ready to level up!

Lovingly loving you Deremiah *CPE

Saturday, March 12, 2011

WARNING...Many Boastful Million Dollar Internet Marketers brag but DON'T DO THIS...Joe Schroeder did and so should you!

How many times have you being a good customer bought products from online internet marketers and have had trouble getting the product? or was it that you were trying to be an even better customer and wanted to return the product and that's when your ""Internet Marketing Nightmare"" began.

Well in the internet marketplace to be an even better appreciated customer ---you better learn before you buy anything--- as a customer...and make sure you've got a friend who know's the marketers real well. Sorta like my friend Lenai Stewart. She knows Joe Schroeder personally.

Well I was talking with Lenai today about an online product that opened my eyes more than all of the books, videos or audio products I've bought on line. Yes it came from Bootleg Joe Schroeder for $14.95 and he must know a thing or two about Customer Care because his client relationships impressed me.

Anyway back to the was only 50 pages of computer printed material but one of the most customer friendly, customer-centric and customer caring books I've ever read on the internet. But I couldn't believe it when I first received it because it wasn't like most products are that customers receive...what I mean is that it wasn't

Real Pretty, Over Processed, over hyped fluff!!!

You see as a customer I've paid some high prices for Fancy book Cover's, Slick Titles and fat books with strategically placed content written to appear like it was a lot of good material but it wasn't full of anything at all...especially a respect for their new well read!

You see I've got a personal book collection of thousands of books maybe approaching tens of thousands of dollars. I've read more books after High School than I ever dreamed of reading when I was in school. So one thing I know about more than people know about me is the books I've recked...reading, highlighting, dog earring, red lining and writing notes in for decades...I LOVE BOOKS!!! and more than loving books I love to Put into ACTION what I read about and would advise you to Take Action on the books you Read or STOP BUYING THEM!!!

Anyway back to the book...This untraditional, over simplified in it's creation and inexpensively created book by Joe Schroeder was one of the Easiest for a book loving customer to understand and most impressively because Great comparisons were made on the inside of it that didn't take me years of re-reading to get the ideas...and it was properly titled "The Mechanics of Wealth".

WARNING...Many Boastful Million Dollar Internet Marketers brag but DON'T DO THIS...Joe Schroeder did and so should you!

I personally could care less how much money Internet Marketers make...the deeper question I want to ask every last Internet Marketer in the world is:

HOW MANY of YOUR CUSTOMERS become Wealthy from the material you produce?

If you can't answer, if you're not tracking this, if you can't prove this...then you're not impressing me with your dollars because they're not making sense!

The value of a man's wealth does not determine his real intelligence and more importantly the benefit and value they are bringing to their community, their mastermind or the people they coach. Give that some thought before.

Well today I ordered a new product and it surprised me when the CEO of the company left me "The Customer" a voice mail...that's right Joe Schroeder himself left me a call LOLLL... but what made it even more hard to Believe is that he left me his cell phone number on the call. How many CEO's are leaving their number for their customers to call them? LOLLL...most internet marketers are giving you "The Jive Talk" automated emails that say...

"I check email twice a day to be efficient. Leave me a call ticket if you'd like to talk to me and I can 't promise that you "The Customer" will even hear from me"....LOLLLL...this is a real joke. PLEASE DON'T you do this to your Customer unless you want to murder your business!!!

If you want your Customers to "FREAK OUT", "LOOK in SURPRISE"...leave them your cell numbers...LOLLLL I know it won't happen though because most internet marketers are afraid of their customers.

Well back to the story because it get's even more EXCITING for me the Customer and more SURPRISING because when I called the number to assure that it was a working number guess what happened???...JOE SCHROEDER---PICKED UP THE PHONE and asked if this was Deremiah. Do you know how many times this has happened to me in the last 8 years that I have been on the internet???...ZERO TIMES!!!

This was the FIRST TIME EVER I have been contacted by the Internet Marketer who runs the internet marketing service after they've left their number for me to call them. That's what I call GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! and mind you it was on a Saturday...Joe Schroeder didn't have to do that but Joe Schroeder is an *CPE...a CUSTOMER PASSION EVANGELIST!

IT NEVER HAPPENS!!!! Believe you me it Has NEVER happened in all of my days on the internet! I've been on nearly 40 list receiving hundreds of emails from all over the world as a customer to some of the most prized List holders in the known internet marketing world and I have N-E-V-E-R had more than two Internet Marketer's I've ever emailed to while being on their list even return a single reply from an email I've sent them other than Ken McArthur and Erik Stafford "The Faster Webmaster". I could name NAMES but all I would end up doing is embarrassing the heck out of a lot of internet Marketers WHO NEVER returned one single email I sent them. If you don't believe me...

JUST EMAIL YOUR LIST HOLDER TODAY and SEE WHAT HAPPENS when you do and leave me a post below letting me know what kind of a response you got...many will probably get angry after this message today!!!

But ladies and gentleman Ole Bootleg Joe Schroeder made my day today when he and I had nearly a 30 minute conversation about the Internet Business that exist today. He did not once try to rush me off the phone and he was sooo polite and genuine answering all of my questions and letting me know I could even cancel my Free Sign up before the end of the month in order not to be charged on the credit for his service. I can't tell you how many people would even do that...disconnect themselves from the selling process and personally tell me to cancel my service to avoid being charged...and I don't need to explain why I'm leaving.

Today my friends Joe Schroeder did what no other internet marketer has ever done...gave me a phone call after I bought a FREE Product from him. Sooo if everyone did what Joe Schroeder did what would it really cost a person to invest that kind of time into every customer that does business with them and what is the real value of the overall affect of doing this? and how valuable would this be to the growth of your business if you did it? If you followed up with your customers on their first FREE investment in your business? What Joe Schroeder did today was reminiscent of how I became SBC AMERITECH's Top employee out of 7,000 workers. PEOPLE IT'S NOT TIME FOR mediocre customer service...IT'S TIME FOR GREAT EVANGELISTIC CUSTOMER SERVICE...KEEP SMILING...I love you.

Lovingly loving you Deremiah *CPE

What can I do to Serve you?

If you'd like to have a real experienced award winning speaker who started out from humble beginnings with no good ole boy network connections just welfare lines and old school pulling myself up by my own boot straps kind of guy...then I'm the person your network team, your small business or your Fortune 500 company needs to hear right now. I'd like to have your business today. You can reach me at

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Why Ken McArthur SERVES his list. Or the Wisdom behind offering your Customer "Something For Nothing"

Yesterday Ken McArthur an Amazing BEST SELLING Author did something most people would never dare do. First of all he took the authority to declare yesterday "Do Something for Nothing Day!" He said "I'm going to do something for nothing and I encourage YOU to do it too! It's fun and it feels good!"

How many times have you did something for your customer that was really truly a "Something for Nothing" experience? Please......before you incriminate yourself let's talk further about how he did what he did and what you can learn from what Ken McArthur did!

I learned this from Jay Abraham nearly 15 years ago. Jay is a firm believer that we need to extrapolate what people do in order to gain more than we'd ever gain from just let's review what Ken did by looking closer at what he said and here's what he said below the line...


My friend Deremiah *CPE (ask him about his name) and
I first connected at jvAlert Live where I learned about his
story where he returned from the brink of suicide to build
a well deserved reputation as an inspirational speaker ...
and gave back countless hours of service to teens at risk
for suicide.

Together with the help of the jvAlert Live and Impact
communities and the incredible Impact Action Team we
were able to get a simple message of hope out to
millions of people in an exciting 30 day period of hope.

Now Deremiah is working with Spike Hummer on a
special project and he asked me to help him promote it.

I don't know Spike at all, but Jay Abraham says "Spike
Hummer is probably the finest business performance
specialist that I've ever met."

I could earn commissions off of their affiliate program,
but the truth is I'd just like to do this to support Deremiah.

People ask me all the time to promote their products.

If you realize that there are thousands of jvAlert Live
members, and over 100,000 people on my lists who
are all interested in business on the Internet, you know
that I can't possibly help them all.

But ... in the spirit of "Do Something for Nothing" Day
I want to share Spike's video with you. I think you
might find something of value and it's always nice to
do something for nothing.

Plus I just want to do something nice for Deremiah.

It won't cost either of us anything to click on the link
and take a look ... and it will help my friend Deremiah.

I love doing that.

Speaking of friends ...

Mark Joyner's Simpleology is software that allows you
to get a full day's work done in two hours.

They're about to break 1,000,000 users almost all
from word-of-mouth. If you set up your account
before they hit the million mark you'll get a free
download - "The Top 5 Most Inspiring Video Clips
of All Time"

That's some landmark! How would YOU like to have
a million users!


First he begins with a story...introducing you to his motive...Do Something you Love for Someone you Love for Nothing. What a beautiful premise to use to affect others by getting to the heart of GIVING!

Quickly he introduces you to his telling you in one bold sentence who the person is and how they rose from a near death experience to Success (Deremiah *CPE)...and then the BIG act of GIVING he already has contributed to this persons life reaching millions of people in 30 days.

He then listen to this--->boldly explains to you that he DOESN'T EVEN KNOW the person his friend is supporting but he loves his friend so much that he's willing to support him (Spike Humer) anyway.

Wisely though he does know someone that everyone knows and respects (Jay Abraham) and he introduce you to what Jay says "Spike Hummer is probably the finest business performance specialist that I've ever met." This powerful endorsement is his way of connecting you with another compelling story that will make you want to just kick yourself if you fail to take action on what he is sharing with you on his "Something for Nothing Day". He then gives internet marketing legend Mark Joyner a great Something for Nothing plug.

So I'd like to thank you for listening to the value of what BEST SELLING Author, Ken McArthur offers to his list. I hope you gained something for nothing about how you can give MORE away that will benefit.

Now I'd like to do something for Ken by encouraging you to go to one of the most amazing fastest newest Social Media platform's growing called Tobri.

Lovingly loving you Deremiah *CPE

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Do Something for NOTHING Day! Declares BESTSELLING Author Ken McArthur

I hereby declare that this is "Do Something for Nothing Day!"

I'm going to do something for nothing and I encourage YOU
to do it too! It's fun and it feels good!

My friend Deremiah *CPE (ask him about his name) and
I first connected at jvAlert Live where I learned about his
story where he returned from the brink of suicide to build
a well deserved reputation as an inspirational speaker ...
and gave back countless hours of service to teens at risk
for suicide.

Together with the help of the jvAlert Live and Impact
communities and the incredible Impact Action Team we
were able to get a simple message of hope out to
millions of people in an exciting 30 day period of hope.

Now Deremiah is working with Spike Hummer on a
special project and he asked me to help him promote it.

I don't know Spike at all, but Jay Abraham says "Spike
Hummer is probably the finest business performance
specialist that I've ever met."

I could earn commissions off of their affiliate program,
but the truth is I'd just like to do this to support Deremiah.

People ask me all the time to promote their products.

If you realize that there are thousands of jvAlert Live
members, and over 100,000 people on my lists who
are all interested in business on the Internet, you know
that I can't possibly help them all.

But ... in the spirit of "Do Something for Nothing" Day
I want to share Spike's video with you. I think you
might find something of value and it's always nice to
do something for nothing.

Plus I just want to do something nice for Deremiah.

It won't cost either of us anything to click on the link
and take a look ... and it will help my friend Deremiah.

I love doing that.

Speaking of friends ...

Mark Joyner's Simpleology is software that allows you
to get a full day's work done in two hours.

They're about to break 1,000,000 users almost all
from word-of-mouth. If you set up your account
before they hit the million mark you'll get a free
download - "The Top 5 Most Inspiring Video Clips
of All Time"

That's some landmark! How would YOU like to have
a million users!


All the buzz from Orlando for our very first SUPER panel
has created a firestorm of activities around our Washington
D.C. Event and I want to make this one the most amazing
of all.

I've been constantly answering emails from world-class
experts who want to be part of our SUPER panel at
jvAlert Live Washington, D.C. on June 3rd - 5th.

So this one should be even more amazing than the Orlando


People already locked in to be there include:

Phil Basten
Nashlah Boyayan
Shahar Boyayan
Hollis Carter
Joe Clayton
Bill Clemens
Lee Collins
Willie Crawford
Jim Donovan
Mike Evans
Edie Galley
Bob The Teacher Jenkins
Audrey Kerwood
Tony Laidig
Walt Laurel
Simon Leung
Jane Mark
Ken McArthur
PJ McClure
Daven Michaels
Vin Montello
Joey Montez
Chris Moos
Mark Nathwani
Scott Paton
Nancy Perez
Robert Puddy
Micheal Savoie
Frank Sousa
Larry Steinhouse
Imal Wagner
Mike Wesely
Wes Wyatt

and more more more.


Hotel information is at:

As is becoming frighteningly USUAL, some attendees
for jvAlert Live Orlando were not able to get rooms at
the event hotel because they procrastinated about
getting their hotel reservation.

PLEASE don't do that!

Get your plane tickets and hotel reservations taken care
of now.

It doesn't cost you a cent to make the reservation
now, but it can save you time and energy later if you
get it done today.

Our hotel is the Westin Washington Dulles, so definitely
fly into Dulles Airport and NOT National Airport for
ease of transportation.

The event is June 3rd - 5th, with discounted hotel rates
available at least 2 days pre and post.

I would encourage you to arrive Thursday, June 2nd, 2011.

People who arrive on Thursday will be meeting to have dinner
together and spend time getting to know each other before the

Be sure to plan to stay Sunday night also, because we have a
networking breakfast on Monday morning before everyone leaves
for home.

All the best,


Ken McArthur

And more, more, more.

P.S. Login to Tobri today!

McArthur Business Systems, Inc.,
152 Chestnut Drive,
Richboro, Pennsylvania 18954