Monday, February 28, 2011

African American Las Vegas Speaker is "Gifted at Speaking Extemporaneously"

Many Speakers speak. Some speak with more humor others speak with less excitement but Deremiah *CPE is among a minority of Speakers who the majority of people would love to book. His ability to do one key thing consistently causes him to out shine other speakers and make him sought out among speakers in the Speaking Industry. That one thing is his ability to Speak Extemporaneously. Thanks to we have learned that the word means:

1. Done, spoken, performed, without special advanced preparation, impromptu, delivered with the help of few or no notes.

African American Las Vegas Speaker Deremiah *CPE was the featured Keynote Speaker on Kevin Hogan's "Life The Source Code" . You can read his awesome Bio in case you are looking for a powerful Speaker who talks about Happiness.

Deremiah *CPE. Using the Servant's Mentality to help you expand the footprint of your Social Media Relationships while increasing customer retention. Deremiah *CPE, Customer Passionate Executive is a "Top 25" Marketing Expert on This Nightingale Conant Award-Winning Speaker, Artist and Inventor has shown hundreds of Customer Passion Evangelist, CEO's, Consultants and Sales people how to use his simple techniques in serving to get big results.

Using the Servant's Mentality to help you expand the footprint of your Social Media Relationships while increasing customer retention is where Deremiah brings you the most value. Winning the coveted "Acres of Diamonds" award from Nightingale-Conant places Deremiah *CPE among noted speakers like Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Denis Waitly, Jay Abraham and Stephen Covey.