Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Is the Successfool a Fool? The Illumniate Conference

In the age of recessions and bombing market stock prices the Successfool, Alejandro Reyes is at it again. This California Social Web 2.0 marketing maniac is just up to no good in the eyes of some but many others beg to differ.

One things for sure he's taking a lot of heat for doing an Internet Conference he call's "Illuminate Conference" So what the heck is an Illuminate Conference and why should every failing, fledgling internet online business owner be there? Or why should every offline business owner who knows that they really haven't had a successful profit margin be there?

Well I'm not quite sure if I have all the answers yet but I'm going to the event to do a story. I have to find out why the Successfool thinks he's got the best option for anyone in the internet industry of anyone looking to cut their losses.

One things for sure he does have a panel of some of the leading. brightest, online internet marketers the world has ever known. Wth this much brain power in one roomhow can he go wrong. He has people like Joel Comm, Mike Farwell, Jermaine Griggs and a whole host of other creative types. Stay tuned as we do an article about why they're here.

So why is Alajandro fooolishly believing he can offer a conference seminar like none you've never seen? Simply Foolish

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur Meets Deremiah *CPE

Well you're the first to get the inside scoop right here from your Customer Passion Executive about The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, by Michael Michalowicz. I'm not quick to promote just anybody but I had a chance to talk with Michael personally right before I went to the "Life's Golden Ticket" event where I was on stage with Brendon Buchard as he hosted an amazing show with John Gray and Marianne Williamson. Well what makes Michael so special?

When you've come to the end of your roll...

You see Michael brings the entrepreneurs struggle straight from the bathroom to center stage. If you think your experience has been crappy then I think Michael's the one man who can help you Re-think your business strategy. You see a great deal of your problems in the business world are due to how you use the last few sheets on the end of that toilet paper roll. The life of an entrepreneur revolves around how he or she boot straps there way along.

Michael spent a whole lot of time exploring who I was, how I make a living, who my contacts and relationships were just so he could figure out how he could best help me tell my Life Story to the group of people he's connected with. Often times people are just in search of you providing them with a whole bunch of media coverage especially when they are about to launch a book...fortunately Michael see's his role as a true Customer Passion Evangelist. Thinking on behalf of how he can help you create the best but at the same time use your roll of Toilet Paper in the most effiecient way.

Michalowicz, has an impressive way of thinking creatively and thoughtfully. I wouldn't dare ask you to read his new book based on this simple two cents worth of information I'm giving here but I would caution you to avoid reading just any ole book either. I believe Michaels book based on what he told me personally in an hour and a half conversation was very spot on. Now I'll be reading his book and then sharing with you the results of what I read. One thing he asked me to do when I give my review was to be blatantly honest. While Michael won't have to worry about that because my reputation is just too important for me to lie about what I find in his book. But if it's good I'm going to tear the last sheets from the roll of toilet paper in my bathroom and send it to Michael for his autograph.

Well get ready to go and check his book out soon since I heard he has hi TPE launch today. If you get the book shoot me an email and I'll reveal to our listening audience right here whether it's everything Michael says it is. I hope his advice is worth the last few sheets on my roll or else I'm going to have to call him up and tell him the books full of...yeah you know what.

Well this is your friend Deremiah *CPE and If I can do it I'm sure you can.

Your Servant,

Lovingly Deremiah *CPE

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"The Power Smile" has hit Facebook

I've been fortunate that for the last past 48 hours "The Power Smile" has been changing lives right on Facebook. The beauty of the power smile is that there really is power in it for everyone.

Most people don't realize how much power is available to them so they walk around with their heads down complaining about the life they are living instead of taking a proactive stance to bring more of what they want into their lives. Their is a vibrational harmony that resonates with smilers that you get to tap into when you're smiling.

What's almost amazing is all of the new stories and life experinces that are coming out of this whole thing...It's very powerful. The other day I was able to share Licia Berry an amazing woman from Facebook who has a very powerful connection with other people through out Facebook. So today I'm so glad that this "7 Day Power Smile Challenge" is taking us to all time new heights. Won't you join us. SMILE.

Is there anything else I can do for you?

Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE

(c) 2008 by Deremiah *CPE, Customer Passion Executive Deremiah *CPE, Customer Passion Executive. A "Top 25" Marketing Expert on This Nightingale Conant Award-Winning Speaker, Artist & Inventor, has shown hundreds of Customer Passion Evangelist, CEO's, Consultants and Sales people how to use his simple but tremendous techniques. Using the Servant's Mentality to expand the footprint of many companies as he increases customer relationships and simultaneously helps At-Risk Children in the communities where you do business every day. Reach Deremiah at .

Daaah--- The Faster Webmaster "Driving Customers Home"

Hey guys "The Faster Webmaster" did an amazing cross country Teleconference for his online Customers. Why is that cool? Because he could have just held conversations with his family on his drive back through Florida. He could have just had a nice drink and a burger and listened to some old Funki Dean Martin music on his drive back in...but no---he was thinking about the customers on his list....he was thinking about how he could add "Drive back" value with major giving his customers ideas into the Frontal lobe of his great mind... he was thinking about how he could do something that had never been done before by an internet marketer.

But instead he offered his Thirsty online customers a cool drink of the Deep thoughts of the Faster Webmaster. Why? Because he truly understands the importance of customers not understanding how to become internet marketers...Yes Erik Stafford get's it! Customers need to be led along...held by the hand like little children who need to be comforted and cared for.

Here's what I did: I set on the phone call unbeknownst to him just chillin'. I wanted to see what is that guy going to do with this one and a half hours of uninterrupted broadcast while driving.

Well what he did for his online customers was just short of spectacular in my eyes. Here it is five days later and I'm posting to my blog from memory only...(I could have used the 12 pages of notes I took but I'll save that for a follow up post if I have time).

The good news is Erik provides up close and personal guidance. Sharing things with you that most internet marketers won't share because it's all about the MONEY BABY gurrl.

But not with Erik. With Erik it's all about YOUR LIFE, it's all about helping YOU Get through the confusion, it's all about helping you break through the struggle.

Is there anything else I can do for you?

Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE

(c) 2008 by Deremiah *CPE, Customer Passion Executive Deremiah *CPE, Customer Passion Executive. A "Top 25" Marketing Expert on This Nightingale Conant Award-Winning Speaker, Artist & Inventor, has shown hundreds of Customer Passion Evangelist, CEO's, Consultants and Sales people how to use his simple but tremendous techniques. Using the Servant's Mentality to expand the footprint of many companies as he increases customer relationships and simultaneously helps At-Risk Children in the communities where you do business every day. Reach Deremiah at .

Monday, August 11, 2008

On Facebook We're Doing "The Power Smile"

Like the power of electricity, Licia Berry's smile is full of electric energy. Sending warm currents of joy everywhere she releases it. Licia knows how to use The Power Smile. Over the next couple of days we'll show you how to influence the world and take back your future all for FREE because it's in your smile…

For the last couple of days on Facebook we've had more Power Smilers than you can imagine. Who are ---Power Smilers---? Power smilers are people like you and me who are celebrating their ability to use "The Power Smile" in their favor.

You see while we all smile very few of us use the smile to the best of our ability. Very few of us recognize the TRUE Power of "The Power Smile" .

So let me introduce you to my First Power Smiling guest. Her name is Licia Berry but I call her Licia "The Magnificient" because she has a wonderful spirit and a great attitude for living life in a very PASSIONATE fashion.

"Licia is a recognized WiseWoman, soul-tender and bridger of worlds, who teaches others how to reclaim their joy and purpose in their lives through her writing, art and spiritual teaching practice. Called a “True Human” by her indigenous contemporaries, she joyfully stretches to the spirit realm while having her feet firmly on the ground; her most passionate message is to love ourselves unconditionally."

If you'd like to know more about how Licia Berry serves her customers and inspires women to live more powerfully with PASSION check her out on the following links. or .

Today is your day to use the Power of your smile to redirect your future forward. Be proactive and recognize the power within you to influence your future has arrived in "The Power Smile".

Is there anything else I can do for you?

Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE

(c) 2008 by Deremiah *CPE, Customer Passion Executive Deremiah *CPE, Customer Passion Executive. A "Top 25" Marketing Expert on This Nightingale Conant Award-Winning Speaker, Artist & Inventor, has shown hundreds of Customer Passion Evangelist, CEO's, Consultants and Sales people how to use his simple but tremendous techniques. Using the Servant's Mentality to expand the footprint of many companies as he increases customer relationships and simultaneously helps At-Risk Children in the communities where you do business every day. Reach Deremiah at .

Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Power Smile

Like the power of electricity, your smile is full of electric energy. Sending warm currents of joy everywhere it's released. The Power Smile will show you how to influence the world and take back your future.

It's in your smile…

The depth of what kind of person you are is in your smile. If we could ask Leonardo Da Vinci about the magic of the Mona Lisa he'd probably never tell, but the secret is… it's in her smile. There trapped underneath the skin and locked in the muscle is a secret that's been hidden for generations inside that little smile of yours. So if you have a minute, I'd like to introduce you to my little friend that is more influential than a dozen Mona Lisa's in all the museums in the world.
How the smile influences…

These days, everybody's talking about influence from Dr. Robert Cialdini, who wrote the book "Influence" to my friend Dave Lakhani author of "Persuasion". But the way you influence the world, your life, and your entire future are all rolled up and hidden inside that smile of yours. All of your joy, all of your happiness, and every bit of your enthusiasm can be unleashed at your own will. You have so much control over where you're going and how fast you'll get there, you might be surprised.

Get your smiling benefits…

So what are the benefits of the Power smile? There are many, but one major influential benefit is that you can change and alter your emotional state. That's right you can influence how happy you are. Everywhere I speak to audiences they're impressed to know they control the ---Happy Meter--- inside of themselves. Soon you'll be practicing this virtually unknown little secret all the time. When people ask me why I smile so much, I tell them "because smiling triggers and releases endorphins in the brain". And that release sends a wave of happiness through out your entire body.

Power smiling builds your self-esteem...

There are many times you'll be standing in front of a mirror today so let those be the moments you Power Smile. In the bathroom at home, school or work, look at yourself… Power smile and accept that you're changing your future smile by smile. Each smile at yourself builds inner confidence, and every smile at anyone else builds stronger relationships. Now when others smile back at you you're on the road to greatness. Soon enough, you'll find yourself smiling all the time and feeling so much better. Smiling carries with it the Law of Sowing and Reaping and the Law of Attraction. As you sow smiling you reap the harvest of smiles from others, and this in turn builds up your self-esteem. You begin to attract to yourself those who smile and I've found those who smile often are so much easier to get along with because they're happier.

Are You Smiling yet?…

So why do people ignore this small but secret weapon? I'm not sure, but if you knew that smiling could immediately lift the state of your emotional being you'd be doing more Power Smiling more often. Try it and share your experiences with me at .Remember there are no real problems only a failure to be more creative than we've ever been. If you invent your opportunity, you'll create your future.

Is there anything else I can do for you?

Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE

(c) 2007 by Deremiah *CPE, Customer Passion Executive Deremiah *CPE, Customer Passion Executive. A "Top 25" Marketing Expert on This Nightingale Conant Award-Winning Speaker, Artist & Inventor, has shown hundreds of Customer Passion Evangelist, CEO's, Consultants and Sales people how to use his simple but tremendous techniques. Using the Servant's Mentality to expand the footprint of many companies as he increases customer relationships and simultaneously helps At-Risk Children in the communities where you do business every day. Reach Deremiah at .

Sunday, August 03, 2008

The FUN-damental's of Out Door Learning

Juliet Robertson, unleashed a Great bit of insight on Facebook today about the value of how children learn by posting a video called Get' em outside This is most definitely something we should all be doing more of to help the child customer learn easier and faster. But the same rule could be applied to the adult customer employee.

When I was involved with the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce "Workforce Education Committee" we were always looking for ways to get corporations to partner with schools so that children could leave the stale environment of class and take a journey into the real world.

Now if your business isn't finding ways to implement these kinds of things to get children involved in Outdoor Learning you're missing a ---HUGE OPPORTUNITY---. Furthermore if you're not allowing your employees to get away from their stale indoor environment their not learning anything new GET' em away from the office and Get' em into outdoor learning. Did you know some of the greatest thinkers of our times took long walks to open up the mind.

Juliet's an expert at this kind of stuff, winning a Winston Churchill Fellowship for her ideas on the subject. She's great at helping others appreciate the contributions corporations, entrepreneurs and schools could play together with this and have a lot of FUN doing it. Go to her website on .

Here's the moral of the story...Great Education occurs when we find our PASSION...leaving the drudgery of the old paradigm behind in search of the New paradigm "FUN WORK" ---so Get' em out doors and let your workers have some FUN. That's FUN-damental

Friday, July 11, 2008

Melissa Zollo could change your business if you only learn to listen better to your Customer. Now IMAGINE that!

Okay...let's just say I'm on a roll today and if you've got a minute I'd like to introduce you to one of the most amazing women on the planet. She is someone who I'm very proud to say is also my friend but that in no way contaminates my opinion about her. In her own rite she is quite a phenomenal human being. In my point of view she does qualify to be put in my Customer Passion Evangelist Hall of FAME. Melissa Zollo is her name helping you to IMAGINE is her game.

Why would that be of a great benefit to you if you're having trouble with your Customer Service? Well because Melissa understands THE POWER ---You now have in your possession--- but the very same power you may be using to work against you in a very important Customer relationship.

Melissa's well beyond the expertise of teaching you the mere gamesmanship of creating fantasy's. She'll show you how to live more in the Present Moment with your Customer. How could this help you add value to the client relationship? Well I'll tell you right off the bat, most customer to employee relationship is destroyed because some employee (maybe yours) is refusing to live in the moment as they serve your customer. How could living in the moment make for a better Customer Experience?

I can easily tell you that customers are really deeply and passionately into the moment of the experience when it comes to making a purchase. I'd almost be willing to take some criticism here by saying they are ---almost in a trance--- during the buying or purchasing experience. One false move or phony desire to extract their wallet out of their purse or pocket without tending to their interest in a way that is genuine could easily have you pegged as a pick pocket or pick purse, a snake oil salesman or a fool in the mind of your customer.

How can Melissa Zollo help? She can easily teach your staff how to IMAGINE ---Living in the NOW--- as they serve your most precious financial donor of your enterprise...your loving customer. Sorry I have to go and serve one of my clients. I can assure you they are under my protection because I'm imagining how wonderful they'll perceive this experience.

Is there anything else I can do for you today? I love serving others

Your Servant,

Lovingly Deremiah *CPE

Sometime in the near future
I'll share how to improve on
listening better and how it pays
huge dividends.

you can reach Melissa Zollo at
and tell her I sent you.

Who is Melissa Zollo?
She conducts "Dream Your Life into Being" teleseminars and powerful audio programs like: "Discover the Power of Imagination," "How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money," and "Melissa`s Secrets on the Law of Vibration." Her eBooks include 3 volumes of "Daily Appetizers for Making Life a Feast." enjoy with a smile and live happier.

I hated endorsing books until...

You're not going to believe this but there was a time when I did not fully understand the advantages of why I should be endorsing books. I'm such a shameless promoter of others because I'm always looking for an opportunity to help them out.

Like my friend Sharon Aynn who recently launched her book . I offered to help her out first of all because it really is a good read.

But endorsing books for friends like Sharyn really should have some overall impact for everyone involved. Now a days most people just jump right on the band wagon slanging there endorsements here and there without any consideration and respect for their own name.

So why would my stance on endorsing books like Sharyn's change?

Because most people are not expanding their education through reading books. Very few people use their neighborhood library to expose themselves to greater knowledge. If my Godfather Brian Tracy, is correct in his assessment of peoples lack of determination to read then I feel obligated to do so.

Do you remember when you were a child or even as an adult you were about to cross a busy street and found a crossing guard at the cross walk. How did that make you feel? Hopefully you felt secure and protected. You knew that crossing guard would assure you of a safe clearance and that's how I see my responsiblity.

As an AMAZON book critic and a Marketingprofs Top 25 marketing expert I feel obligated to assure you of what books out there are worth your time. If you're like most people you're very busy and the world is constantly changing so I say to you today...Let me be your crossing guard. To expose you to books you should consider. Next time I'll tell you what my favorite book of all times is and why you should get you a copy. Have a great day.

Is there anything else I can do for you? I like serving others.

Your Servant,

Lovingly Deremiah *CPE


I like you because together we can make the world a better, happier and Fun place to live.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

IMPACT Factor, by Ken it worth it?

Hi friends,

Ken McArthur has released a new book called IMPACT and I can't give you 3 good reasons why you should buy the book.

But what I can do is give you 21 reasons why you would be virtually insane not to consider this new BestSeller and that's not to include the Bonus overload he's offering.

If you don't invest in your life through this book that just means you must've missed the entire list of benefits and the content in the book. Well I got them and it's great.

So how would you love to reach millions of people?

If you'd like to cut through the clutter and reach your ideal target audience, so you can get your ideas, products and services in front of millions, then I have some great news for you!

You see, Ken McArthur has just published a book that is perfect for people who are on a mission to reach the masses.

Even better ...

Ken is handing out thousands of dollars worth of bonuses and even zero cost tickets to live events to people who order his book, but even if you DON'T want Ken's book, you can still make out like a bandit and invest NOTHING.

Ken is handing out some amazing tips and resources, with audios and videos from some impact building experts which you can down load INSTANTLY right now.

Small Business Owners, Authors, Speakers, CEOs, and champions of worthy non-profit organizations need to be successful. But what do all these people have in common?
Right! They all need to reach an large audience.

David Shenk, in his book "Data Smog: Surviving the Information Glut," states that in 1971 we were exposed to an average of 560 advertising messages per day. By 1997 that number had grown to over 3,000.

Today conservative estimates put it at over ten thousand!

That's each and every day!

Think about it: Every time you flip through a newspaper or magazine, you encounter hundreds of ads. Add to that everything from TV and radio ads to product placements, billboards, direct mail and postcards, ads on the Internet from every direction(an hour of surfing on the web can easily yield more than a thousand ads), ads on the sides of trucks, vans, signs hung on telephone poles, telemarketing ads, door-to-door salesman, the list goes on.

You can easily see how they add up quickly!

Everywhere we turn we're being bombarded with ads from any and every direction.

And that's a BIG problem.

It's one of the reasons why businesses that always found iteasy to turn a profit are starting to see their customer base dry up.

They're finding it increasingly difficult to maintain their growth, even seeing income they once took for granted shrivel up and die.

And forget it if you're a newcomer to the entrepreneurial world.

The odds are stacked higher against you than they ever were inthe history of mankind!
But more importantly, you need to cut through all that clutter out there and get your message delivered, and more importantlyacted on!

Ken McArthur, just spent a solid year researching and mastering the problem of how to get your ideas, products and services noticed, and make sure that people spread your message to the masses so that you can have a personal impact in a world that doesn't always want to pay attention.

Ken shares exactly what he discovered in his new book, Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions and Make a Difference in a Noisy World.

Ken surveyed THOUSANDS of people to set up his system through the MBS Internet Research Center, so you know this is GOOD.

Grab thousands of dollars worth of bonuses and even zero cost tickets, plus amazing tips and resources, with audios and videos from some impact building experts which you can down load INSTANTLY right now.

Is there anything else I cand do for you?

Your Servant, (Because you deserve to be HAPPY)

Lovingly Deremiah *CPE
Motivating SuperSTARS just like you!